I always thought it would be funny if thousands of teenagers forced to attend Memorial decided to partake. That would really screw things up for the GB.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
who hated the memorial?
by Tyler_Durden inwas having a wee think to myself: this year is the first year in over a decade i won't be attending the jw memorial.
not that i'm too bothered, i remembered how much i hated it, how pointless, dull, & stupid i found it!!.
i could never understand the need for the great crowd to attend the annual meeting, it wasn't for us - & it certainly wasn't for our poor bible studies!
Sing out the Kingdom songs!!!
by JNS2 inremember all the counsel to sing out the songs?
that's great except so many of us couldn't sing our way out of a paper bag.
i remember visiting a congregation in colo. & a sister was really following the counsel, top of her lungs.
drahcir yarrum
Now that I've subliminally put that little ditty in yoiur heads, good luck trying to fall asleep tonight.
Is Cloning a "good" thing?
by D8TA ini thought it was...untill i saw lilly munster being the first to claim that she did it.
then i thought..."no".
drahcir yarrum
How can you doubt the value of cloning? Haven't you watched Austin Powers movies and seen "Mini Me"?
However, conception by cloning doesn't appear to be nearly as much fun as the old fashioned way.
Edited by - drahcir yarrum on 30 December 2002 9:29:19
by drahcir yarrum ini just wanted to take the opportunity to wish all of you a very merry christmas and happy holidays.
i've really enjoyed all of your posts throughout the past year.
whether we are aware of it or not, this forum and the contributions to it has helped and is helping hundreds of good people who have been injured by an evil watchtower society.
drahcir yarrum
I just wanted to take the opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I've really enjoyed all of your posts throughout the past year. Whether we are aware of it or not, this forum and the contributions to it has helped and is helping hundreds of good people who have been injured by an evil Watchtower Society. It doesn't matter if you are now a born again Christian, a non-Christian, agnostic or an athiest, many of you are now free to think and act for yourselves. That may just be the greatest asset you have in life.
When I left the WTS in 1984 I felt very alone in my decision and really had no one with whom to talk about it. Simon, you are providing a wonderful service for so many. Please continue this for as long as possible.
I sincerely wish peace and happiness to you all.
Islam=Violence article...
by reporter innovember 26, 2002. by larry witham, the washington times.
religious broadcaster pat robertson said yesterday the news media and political leaders have failed to educate americans about violence in the koran and in islamic history and wishes president bush had never said that "islam is a religion of peace.".
"he is not elected as chief theologian," mr. robertson said.. .
drahcir yarrum
While I don't hold Christianity up as a historically blameless ideology, I think it is missing the point to say that criticism of Islam and it's propensity for violence against non-believers should be discounted because Christianity also has it's faults. Personally, I'm an athiest so I don't have a dog in this fight. But speaking as an American citizen, I find the current level of violence, death and mayhem from the Muslim world to be appalling.
If Christianity were involved in the Crusades right now, I'd likely be condemning it in the strongest possible language. But the Crusades are not contemporary news. Islamic terrorism IS current news. There are some, like Sen. Patty Murray from Washington, who seem to believe we should look for the good in Osama Bin Laden. That we shouldn't overlook the money he has raised to educate, clothe and feed the poor in his region. Well, accepting at face value that he has done these things, Patty Murray's words have the same meaning as those who might have said of Hitler's Germany, "well at least the trains run on time!"
Of course we need to be careful about painting with the broad brush that says all Muslims are terrorists. ; We know ;this is false. But we need to be very suspicious of those who sympathize with and raise money for those who would kill innocent people in the name of Islam or any other belief system.
Pat Robertson's warnings about what Islam teaches and what Muslims believe have merit. Don't let the fact that you don't like Pat Robertson or what he stands for cloud the issue.
by jimbob inperhaps this information has already been posted, so if it has i apologize.
but according to the jan 1st watchtower which was given to me, there was a 2.8% increase in publishers in the world over last year, with over 1.2 billion hours spent in service...(like those numbers aren't inflated.... when i looked back at the 92 watchtower, the number of partakers was only 8850...a mere 90 people more.
so in the span of an entire decade...only 90 people have died?????
drahcir yarrum
I have to agree with you. Some of the things I hear from my dub relatives about the activities of other dubs would have shocked me 20 years ago. Not that I'm uspset with their insincereity or wanting to lead a double life. Anything that contributes to the trivialization of the WTS suits me fine.
What will the WT become? (Sort of a Survey)
by Marcos ini have been out for a long time.
to give you an idea of how long, the concept of not offering subscriptions anymore is news to me!.
as they continue consolidating and down-sizing, what affect do you all think this will have on individual witnesses and on their organization as a whole?
drahcir yarrum
When you think about how many JW's in the late 60's and early70's sold their homes and businesses and moved to serve where the "need was great", in preparation for 1975, then you begin to grasp just how gullible and obedient to the borg these people are. Of course in 1976 the Great and Powerful Oz told them they had run ahead of Jehovah's faithful and discreet slave. They were told that there was no such pronouncement about 1975.
What will the WT become? (Sort of a Survey)
by Marcos ini have been out for a long time.
to give you an idea of how long, the concept of not offering subscriptions anymore is news to me!.
as they continue consolidating and down-sizing, what affect do you all think this will have on individual witnesses and on their organization as a whole?
drahcir yarrum
You may scoff at the notion of mass suicides, and I'm not saying I see ANY evidence that the WTS would promote the idea. But you must remember that nothing, and I repeat NOTHING is too absurd to be foisted upon the rank and file members of the organization. Sure, their view of suicide today is against it, but with a little "new light" tweaking of some vague scripture, they could pull it off. The scripture wouldn't even have to have anything to do with suicide. They could take the account of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son and twist it to mean that obedience to God through his faithful and discreet slave must be complete obedience. I could see many miserable JW's being willing to take the gas pipe for the borg.
Also, remember that this is the same organization that has convinced many parents that they should withhold blood transfusions and allow their children to die, than to risk offending jobergod.
drahcir yarrum
I would stop posting here if Simon sold this website to the WTS for several million pounds. Can you imagine the absolute horror of having this site run by the FDS?
by TR inyou and your heathen apostate brothers are nothing but the spawn of satan the devil.
jehovah's purpose will take place and then you will know who is the most high.. .
received: from ism01 [] by jehovahs-witness.com with esmtp (smtpd32-7.12) id b6471448405c; thu, 12 dec 2002 17:10:18. return-path: < [email protected]>.
drahcir yarrum
I have no intention of sitting here and allowing some pedophiles in Brooklyn call me a Spawn of Satan. So here's my reply to you members of the governing body, EXPLETIVE DELETED May the flames of hell like your balls for a thousand years.
Edited by - Englishman on 13 December 2002 9:8:47